credits - National archives ALIC
1 AUSTRALASIAN GENEALOGY - The Australasian Genealogy Web (AGWeb) network provides access to regionally located Australasian genealogy sources, data and references. Searchable by name index or category of research.
2 AUSTRALIAN FAMILY HISTORY COMPENDIUM - This site is a gateway to the basic repositories and resources for Australian genealogical research
3 AUSTRALIAN FAMILY HISTORY ON THE INTERNET - This web site is produced by the National Library of Australia. Provides extensive links to Australian and worldwide genealogy resources.
4 NATIONAL ARCHIVES AUSTRALIA - The National Archives of Australia Family History web site provides guidance on how to do family history research. It also provides guides to researching immigration, armed services, and indigenous records
5 NATIONAL ARCHIVES NEW ZEALAND - genealogical resources include: immigration records, probates, coroner's reports, notices of intention to marry, and military service records prior to 1913. This site also includes links to: birth, death, and marriage certificates, newspapers, personal files of soldiers who served in the armed forces from the Boer War up to the present day, and electoral rolls.
1 DISTANT COUSINS - Links to web sites with information on census records, cemetaries, military records, and other useful sources for English genealogy.
2 ELECTRIC SCOTLAND - A guide to over 2000 Scottish clans and families.
3 ENGLISH/WELSH LINKS - A list of web sites relating to English and Welsh genealogy.
4 GENUKI - Excellent resource site. access records in the British Isles . A quick and handy resource for genealogists.
5 ORIGINS - Allows searches of census and other data for Irish, British, and Scottish genealogical research.
6 PUBLIC RECORDS SEARCH - A search of Public Record Office documents, as well as Family History Guides and several leaflets to assist with research.
7 SCOTTISH ROOTS - Scot Roots assists in searches within originial Scottish records for information on ancestors.
8 SCOTTISH ANCESTRY - Links to several sites useful for Scottish genealogy.
9 WELSH GENEALOGY - Links to resources, services, and societies that focus specifically on Welsh genealogy.
10 WILTSHIRE & SWINDON - Information on beginning family history research in Britain, and about the records held in the WSRO.
1 ALL EUROPE - This site provides lists of links based on country of origin. Also includes links to European passenger lists, cemeteries, and census data.
2 GENWEB EAST EUROPE - Interactive genealogy site providing information on Russia, Northern and Eastern Europe.
3 POLAND BORDER NAMES - This web site has been designed to assist those searching for family in and along the borders of Poland. One of G100's "Top 100 Genealogy" sites.
4 GERMAN ANCESTRY - areas of present day Ukraine and Poland or the areas formerly known as East and West Prussia, Posen, Silesia, Pomerania, and Volhynia.
1 CANADIAN GENEALOGY - Searchable by province, this site is an excellent reference for Canadian online genealogy sources.
2 FICHIER ORIGINE - The database of vital records of French and foreign immigrants who settled in Quebec from the beginnings of the colony to 1865. (In French)